Salzburg is one of the most livable cities in Europe: nestled between green city mountains, the historic old town lies on the glittering ribbon of the Salzach River. In the south, the Osterhorn group and the Tennengebirge mountains offer countless opportunities for enjoying nature, from hiking, climbing and mountain biking to skiing and touring. In the north of Salzburg lie the vast hilly landscape of the Flachgau and the Salzburg Lake District around Lake Mattsee, Lake Obertrumer and Lake Wallersee. To the east, the crystal-clear lakes of the Salzkammergut are waiting to be discovered, and to the west, behind the Untersberg, the neighboring countries of Bavaria and Tyrol are within easy reach.

Living in Salz­burg

Whe­ther Mozart Week, the Eas­ter and Whits­un Fes­ti­vals, the Salz­burg Fes­ti­val or the tra­di­tio­nal Advent Sin­ging in the Gro­ßes Fest­spiel­haus: Salz­burg is the stage for inter­na­tio­nal­ly atten­ded cul­tu­ral events throug­hout the year. Despi­te its importance as a cul­tu­ral metro­po­lis in the heart of Euro­pe, Salz­burg has retai­ned the charm of a small town: peo­p­le know each other and meet. It does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther it’s at the weekly Salz­burg Schran­ne on Mira­bell­platz, on a Satur­day stroll through Salzburg’s old town and over the Grün­markt, or at the mor­ning Melan­ge in the tra­di­tio­nal café. In the city of Mozart, enjoy­ment is writ lar­ge: The­re is always time for the finer things in life. 

Salz­burg offers many facets for all living wis­hes: sin­gle-fami­ly homes with gar­dens for fami­lies, modern pent­hou­ses for sin­gles and cou­ples with aspi­ra­ti­ons, cen­tral­ly loca­ted city apart­ments for young cou­ples and beau­tiful old town apart­ments as a second home. In addi­ti­on, high-qua­li­ty pro­per­ties such as vil­las, cast­les and man­or hou­ses, estates and farms, forests and hunts as well as offices and prac­ti­ces are wai­ting for new owners throug­hout the pro­vin­ce of Salz­burg. We include the most valuable objects among them in the port­fo­lio of our real estate office Alex­an­der Kurz.

Our all-round ser­vice for your real estate search in Salz­burg

Do you want to buy or rent a pro­per­ty in Salz­burg? Or are you loo­king for an invest­ment pro­per­ty? Our team of experts at Immo­bi­li­en­kanz­lei Alex­an­der Kurz will per­so­nal­ly assist you in your search. Our port­fo­lio includes attrac­ti­ve pro­per­ties in prime loca­ti­ons, such as in Salzburg’s Old Town, Aigen, Parsch, Nonn­tal, Leo­polds­kron, Gneis, Max­glan, Morzg, Rie­den­burg and other sought-after dis­tricts. 

Incre­asing­ly in demand are hou­ses and apart­ments in Salzburg’s sur­roun­ding towns such as Anif, Berg­heim, Els­be­then, Wals-Sie­zen­heim, Puch or Ober­alm. The pro­xi­mi­ty to the city of Mozart, the good infra­struc­tu­re and the high qua­li­ty of life make the advan­ta­ges of the char­ming places in the green belt of the city. 

The port­fo­lio of our real estate office Alex­an­der Kurz also includes many high-qua­li­ty pro­per­ties in the Salz­bur­ger Land: estates, ski and moun­tain huts, hotels and invest­ment pro­per­ties, hunts, forest estates and more from Flach­gau and Ten­nen­gau to Pinz­gau and Pon­gau and Lung­au.

Bene­fit from our ser­vice:

Com­ple­te ser­vice: our experts are at your side with help and advice from the pro­per­ty search to the inspec­tion and the exami­na­ti­on of the purcha­se or ren­tal offer to the han­ding over of the keys. We make sure that you arri­ve well at your new pro­per­ty in Salz­burg.

Per­fect local know­ledge: If you are moving to Salz­burg or loo­king for a sui­ta­ble pro­per­ty in the sur­roun­ding area, we will be hap­py to advi­se you on the spe­cial fea­tures of the loca­ti­on. Whe­ther infra­struc­tu­re such as kin­der­gar­tens and schools, qua­li­ty of the resi­den­ti­al area, pro­xi­mi­ty to night­li­fe or quiet loca­ti­on: we know Salz­burg as well as hard­ly anyo­ne. 

Uni­que net­work: We have deca­des of cul­ti­va­ted cont­acts with important ser­vice part­ners, from legal advi­sors and nota­ries to finan­cing experts and top craft­smen and ser­vice pro­vi­ders for ever­y­thing to do with living, fur­nis­hing, buil­ding and reno­vat­ing. 

App­raisals and valua­ti­on: We are cer­ti­fied real estate app­rai­sers and deter­mi­ne the value of a pro­per­ty honest­ly and inde­pendent­ly based on our pro­found mar­ket know­ledge. You can find out more about our real estate app­rai­sal ser­vice here (link on real estate app­raisals page).

Our qua­li­ty stan­dards are high and at the same time our top prio­ri­ty. Trust in our exper­ti­se and our more than 40 years of expe­ri­ence in real estate bro­kera­ge in Salz­burg. Cont­act us now for a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on. We are loo­king for­ward to mee­ting you!