Whether you want to determine the ideal selling price for your property, have an inheritance to settle or would like to know the value of your property purely out of interest: An expert opinion from our real estate law firm Alexander Kurz will provide you with sound information on how much your house, apartment, land or commercial property is currently worth.

Have your pro­per­ty valued

We con­stant­ly keep abre­ast of the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the real estate mar­ket and have over for­ty years of expe­ri­ence in the field of real estate app­raisals. The­r­e­fo­re, we can pro­vi­de you as a homeow­ner, apart­ment owner or land owner with rea­li­stic and well-foun­ded assess­ments of the cur­rent mar­ket value of your pro­per­ty. Our experts will also be hap­py to give you tips on how to increase the value of your pro­per­ty.

His­to­ric buil­dings such as cast­les, man­or hou­ses, palaces or town vil­las are a spe­cial case in pro­per­ty valua­tions. Here, the his­to­ri­cal signi­fi­can­ce and the dif­fi­cult-to-quan­ti­fy collector’s value must also be taken into account. Also in this spe­cial case our real estate law firm Alex­an­der Kurz is your right cont­act. No other real estate law firm in Aus­tria has such a wide ran­ge of cast­les and his­to­ric buil­dings in its port­fo­lio and has a com­pa­ra­ble know­ledge of the mar­ket. 

Do you know the value of your pro­per­ty?

If you want to sell your house, apart­ment or land, you should have your pro­per­ty app­rai­sed by an expert. Pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als in par­ti­cu­lar usual­ly lack a deeper know­ledge of the spe­ci­fics of the real estate mar­ket. The­re is a risk that important influen­cing fac­tors are not taken into account or that the emo­tio­nal attach­ment to the pro­per­ty influen­ces the app­rai­sal. If you want to buy a house, an apart­ment or a plot of land, a value app­rai­sal by an inde­pen­dent expert is a good basis for nego­tia­ting the pri­ce.

Our spe­cia­lists at the Alex­an­der Kurz real estate law firm will pro­vi­de you with com­pre­hen­si­ve advice and prepa­re pro­fes­sio­nal app­raisals for pri­va­te and com­mer­cial real estate. Com­pa­ny foun­der Alex­an­der Kurz has been a gene­ral­ly sworn and court-cer­ti­fied expert for pro­per­ty valua­ti­on sin­ce 1984 and is one of Salzburg’s most sought-after experts. Whe­ther you want to sell or buy a pro­per­ty at the best pri­ce — we app­rai­se your pro­per­ty honest­ly and inde­pendent­ly.

When is an app­rai­sal hel­pful?

  • Buy­ing real estate: Our inde­pen­dent valua­ti­on is the basis for your purcha­se pri­ce nego­tia­ti­ons with the pro­per­ty owner.
  • Sale and exch­an­ge: We deter­mi­ne the best pri­ce for your pro­per­ty and advi­se you on pos­si­ble mea­su­res for an increase in value.
  • Ren­ting and lea­sing: Whe­ther you are ren­ting or lea­sing, ren­ting or lea­sing — we prepa­re an objec­ti­ve expert opi­ni­on on the value or achie­va­ble ren­tal inco­me of your pro­per­ty.
  • Reno­va­ti­on, remo­de­ling and refur­bish­ment: A loving refur­bish­ment can con­tri­bu­te to a signi­fi­cant increase in the value of your pro­per­ty. This can help you achie­ve bet­ter pri­ces in sales and ren­tals.
  • Inhe­ri­tance and dona­ti­on: In the case of inhe­ri­tance or lega­cy, emo­ti­ons play a major role. Our inde­pen­dent expert opi­ni­on offers you a rea­li­stic and ratio­nal basis for your decis­i­ons. 
  • Mar­ria­ge and coha­bi­ta­ti­on: Whe­ther you are tying the knot or dis­sol­ving it — in a coha­bi­ta­ti­on part­ner­ship, the­re are a num­ber of things to con­sider when it comes to joint acqui­si­ti­ons, such as the home for your fami­ly.
  • Finan­cial and tax issues: this main­ly con­cerns real estate that you do not use yours­elf, such as invest­ment pro­per­ties or inco­me pro­per­ties.

Whe­ther pri­cing for purcha­se or sale, ren­ting or lea­sing, mar­ket ana­ly­sis, uti­liza­ti­on con­cept or yield ana­ly­sis — the inde­pen­dent value app­rai­sal of our real estate law firm Alex­an­der Kurz pro­vi­des a sound basis for your decis­i­on. Cont­act us now and find out the real value of your pro­per­ty. We look for­ward to a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on!