Buy and rent income properties in Salzburg and Vienna

Are you looking for an income property in Vienna? Would you like to invest in attractive apartment buildings in the best areas of the federal capital or in one of the provincial capitals? Then contact our real estate office Alexander Kurz and get to know our exclusive portfolio of properties.

Apart­ment hou­ses in Vien­na are and remain a popu­lar form of invest­ment

Inves­tors who want to invest with fore­sight and rely on rising values as well as con­stant pro­fits will soo­ner or later dis­co­ver apart­ment buil­dings as a rewar­ding real estate invest­ment for them­sel­ves. Real estate invest­ments in Euro­pean metro­po­li­ses pro­mi­se high secu­ri­ty, low risks and con­stant returns. In Vien­na, apart­ment buil­dings have been a sought-after form of invest­ment sin­ce the 19th cen­tu­ry. Real estate invest­ments in apart­ment buil­dings are not only pro­fi­ta­ble, but also cri­sis-pro­of. 

Apart­ment buil­dings in Vien­na expe­ri­en­ced their gre­at boom in the second half of the 19th cen­tu­ry. The flowe­ring of libe­ra­lism favor­ed entre­pre­neur­ship and acce­le­ra­ting indus­tria­liza­ti­on. The popu­la­ti­on grew dra­ma­ti­cal­ly as peo­p­le sett­led from all parts of the mon­ar­chy. The­r­e­fo­re, during the so-cal­led Grün­der­zeit, num­e­rous mul­ti-storey resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ties were built for the gro­wing num­ber of immi­grants, which still cha­rac­te­ri­ze the Vien­nese city­scape today and are now very often purcha­sed by inves­tors. The bro­kera­ge of such pro­per­ties is only car­ri­ed out exclu­si­ve­ly and through the best cont­acts. Here you pro­fit from the excep­tio­nal­ly good net­work of our real estate law firm Alex­an­der Kurz. 

Buy­ing apart­ment buil­dings with the best advice

We would be hap­py to pre­sent our invest­ment pro­per­ties in Vien­na to you in a per­so­nal mee­ting. Our port­fo­lio ran­ges from his­to­ric buil­dings to apart­ment buil­dings with modern basic equip­ment. If you have spe­cial wis­hes or con­cre­te ide­as, we will check the real estate mar­ket in Vien­na and the sur­roun­ding area for sui­ta­ble pro­per­ties. Thanks to our per­so­nal­ly cul­ti­va­ted net­work, we can arran­ge pro­per­ties for you exclu­si­ve­ly and dis­creet­ly. 

The demand for living space in Vien­na and the sur­roun­ding area is hig­her than ever — and will grow con­stant­ly. Vien­na is an inter­na­tio­nal metro­po­lis of eco­no­mic importance and at the same time of high qua­li­ty of life. The demand for apart­ment hou­ses is con­stant­ly incre­asing, both on the part of buy­ers and sel­lers, and abo­ve all on the part of resi­dents. Tho­se who can invest in apart­ment hou­ses now will pro­fit in the short, medi­um and long term. Abo­ve all, Alex­an­der Kurz Jr. will be hap­py to advi­se you on wort­hwhile invest­ment pro­per­ties.

Our tip: Befo­re buy­ing, check at what point you can achie­ve a mini­mum return. In addi­ti­on to the purcha­se pri­ce, the con­di­ti­on of the pro­per­ty and pos­si­ble reno­va­ti­on mea­su­res must be taken into account in the finan­cing plan. Our con­sul­tants will be hap­py to inform you about value-enhan­cing reno­va­tions, pos­si­ble sub­si­dies and wort­hwhile pro­per­ties. Espe­ci­al­ly in the case of lis­ted buil­dings, the­re are many rules and regu­la­ti­ons to be obser­ved. 

Buy an apart­ment house in Vien­na — find out now

Whe­ther it is a pen­si­on, finan­cial secu­ri­ty for the next gene­ra­ti­on or a lucra­ti­ve invest­ment: apart­ment buil­dings in Vien­na are a sus­tainable invest­ment. Our dedi­ca­ted team at the real estate law firm Alex­an­der Kurz will be hap­py to inform you about attrac­ti­ve pro­per­ties. Arran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on now — we look for­ward to your inquiry!