Your first address for high-quality real estate and exclusive service

There are many wishes and individual needs when it comes to owning real estate. Whether you are looking for a new home for you and your family or an investment property as a safe investment for your capital: Our experienced team at the Alexander Kurz Real Estate Office will help you find the right one.

For more than for­ty years, our fami­ly has been run­ning the Alex­an­der Kurz Real Estate Office. From the very begin­ning, we have spe­cia­li­zed in the bro­kera­ge of high-qua­li­ty pro­per­ties: from luxu­rious city vil­las to lake­si­de pro­per­ties, from exclu­si­ve pent­hou­ses to his­to­ric cast­les in the coun­try­si­de. In Salz­burg, neigh­bor­ing Bava­ria and Salz­kam­mer­gut as well as in Kitz­bü­hel and Vien­na, our real estate office Alex­an­der Kurz is your first address for:

  • Con­do­mi­ni­ums 
  • apart­ment buil­dings 
  • Pent­hou­ses
  • buil­ding plots
  • Farms
  • Forests and hun­ting grounds
  • Alpi­ne pas­tu­res
  • Office and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties
  • Restau­rant and hotel real estate 
  • Apart­ment buil­dings
  • Invest­ment pro­per­ties and yield pro­per­ties 

Our port­fo­lio includes the enti­re spec­trum of the real estate mar­ket from Salz­burg to Vien­na. What distin­gu­is­hes us bey­ond that is our net­work throug­hout Aus­tria, which has been deve­lo­ped over deca­des, our extra­or­di­na­ry pas­si­on for real estate and our exclu­si­ve ser­vice. 

Real Estate in Salz­burg

Hard­ly any other city in the world can score with such an ide­al loca­ti­on and size: The city of Mozart is lar­ge enough to be a stage for inter­na­tio­nal cul­tu­ral events, from the Mozart Week to the Eas­ter and Whits­un Fes­ti­vals to the Salz­burg Fes­ti­val and the tra­di­tio­nal Advent Sin­ging. But Salz­burg is also small enough to remain likeable and endea­ring. Whe­re else would an inter­na­tio­nal­ly acclai­med ope­ra star take a seat at the next table in the Old Town Café and enjoy his steam­ing melan­ge?  

Salz­burg is loca­ted in the cen­ter of Aus­tria and in the heart of Euro­pe. The clea­rest lakes of the Salz­kam­mer­gut and the most beau­tiful ski slo­pes of the Alps are only half an hour’s dri­ve away. Munich and Vien­na can be rea­ched in just over 2 hours, and tho­se who want to go to the sea will find them­sel­ves on a san­dy beach of the Adria­tic Sea after a dri­ve of just under 4 hours. Ita­li­an cul­tu­re can also be found in the num­e­rous baro­que buil­dings in the old town. It is no coin­ci­dence that Salz­burg is known as the “Rome of the North”. The “bel­la vita”, the Ita­li­an way of enjoy­ing life and its beau­tiful aspects, is also cele­bra­ted in Salz­burg. Espe­ci­al­ly in art, cul­tu­re and culina­ry.

Would you like to buy or rent a pro­per­ty in Salz­burg? Or are you loo­king for an invest­ment pro­per­ty? We and our team of experts at Immo­bi­li­en­kanz­lei Alex­an­der Kurz are at your dis­po­sal with full com­mit­ment. We will be hap­py to pre­sent you with a real estate offer tail­o­red to your ide­as. In our port­fo­lio we hold attrac­ti­ve pro­per­ties in prime loca­ti­ons such as in Salzburg’s Old Town, Aigen, Parsch, Nonn­tal, Leo­polds­kron, Gneis, Morzg, Rie­den­burg and other sought-after dis­tricts. Cont­act us right away and arran­ge a con­sul­ta­ti­on appoint­ment. 

Real estate in the Salz­kam­mer­gut 

Not even Emper­or Franz Joseph, who as the “hig­hest offi­ci­al” of the mon­ar­chy pos­s­es­sed an extra­or­di­na­ry sen­se of duty, could escape the charm of the Salz­kam­mer­gut. The uni­que natu­ral land­scape with more than 77 lakes and count­less recrea­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties make the regi­on bet­ween Fuschl­see, Mond­see, Wolf­gang­see, Atter­see, Bad Ischl, Aus­seer Land and Dach­stein uni­que. While cycling, hiking and gol­fing, swim­ming, sai­ling and diving and espe­ci­al­ly dis­co­ve­ring the culina­ry high­lights, ever­yo­ne can dis­co­ver their favo­ri­te place in the Salz­kam­mer­gut.

Tog­e­ther with our real estate experts you can find your new home, a pri­va­te vaca­ti­on home or your own lake­front pro­per­ty in the Salz­kam­mer­gut or in the no less sought-after Salz­bur­ger Seen­land. Our real estate office Alex­an­der Kurz has the best cont­acts and exclu­si­ve pro­per­ties: his­to­ric pro­per­ties such as cast­les or man­or hou­ses, hun­ting estates, forest estates and farms, sin­gle-fami­ly hou­ses, apart­ments, gas­tro­no­my and com­mer­cial pro­per­ties as well as invest­ment pro­per­ties. We are hap­py to advi­se you and look for­ward to your inquiry! 

Real Estate in Vien­na

The needs of our cli­ents in the are­as of living and invest­ment are sub­ject to con­stant chan­ge — in our fast-moving times more than ever. This makes expe­ri­ence, know-how and com­pe­tence in real estate con­sul­ting all the more important. In the 45-year histo­ry of our com­pa­ny, our real estate office Alex­an­der Kurz has spe­cia­li­zed in high-qua­li­ty real estate from Salz­burg to Vien­na. In doing so, we have built up a uni­que and con­stant­ly gro­wing net­work throug­hout Aus­tria and bey­ond. We can the­r­e­fo­re cater to your every wish and offer you the most exclu­si­ve pro­per­ties in the best loca­ti­ons. 

In Vien­na, our port­fo­lio includes his­to­ric apart­ment buil­dings as well as invest­ment pro­per­ties. Feel free to cont­act our experts at the real estate law firm Alex­an­der Kurz. We look for­ward to pre­sen­ting our real estate offer in Vien­na to you!