What is your dream home - apartment or house, city villa or country estate? Our real estate office Alexander Kurz advises and accompanies you from the search to the purchase to the move into your new home. In our exclusive portfolio you will find the future home for you and your family among high-quality properties in the best locations.

Buy­ing or ren­ting real estate? 

A chan­ge in your own living situa­ti­on should be well thought through. The main cri­te­ria for the decis­i­on are your own finan­cial cushion, per­so­nal inco­me, work and fami­ly situa­ti­on and indi­vi­du­al life­style. Last but not least, the desi­re to buy or rent a pro­per­ty is always a ques­ti­on of type. In any case, you should con­sider a few things, becau­se both buy­ing and ren­ting bring various advan­ta­ges. 

Advan­ta­ges of buy­ing real estate:

  • Real estate has prac­ti­cal and emo­tio­nal bene­fits. Whe­ther it’s a house or an apart­ment, unli­ke inves­t­ing money in stocks, you can live in a pro­per­ty and make it a home for your own fami­ly.
  • As an owner, you are not depen­dent on a land­lord. You make your own decis­i­ons about your pro­per­ty and do not pay rent.
  • Owning your own pro­per­ty pro­vi­des a solid reti­re­ment plan.
  • In good loca­ti­ons and sought-after cities such as Salz­burg or Vien­na, pro­per­ty values can be expec­ted to increase in the future as well.
  • Rents have been rising ste­adi­ly for years, espe­ci­al­ly in sought-after loca­ti­ons. Owners, on the other hand, repay fixed loan install­ments that actual­ly tend to decrease rather than increase over the years.
  • Rent pay­ments do not help build your own wealth. 

What you should con­sider around ren­ting hou­ses and apart­ments and what advan­ta­ges real estate ren­ting brings, you can read here. (LINK TO “Real Estate Ren­tals”)

The­re are many reasons to buy real estate:

  • Per­so­nal goal: For many peo­p­le, owning their own apart­ment or house is a lifel­ong dream. 
  • Safe invest­ment: Real estate is con­side­red a safe invest­ment, espe­ci­al­ly in times of cri­sis. 
  • Pen­si­on pro­vi­si­on and asset growth: In sought-after cities, such as Vien­na or Salz­burg, resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty is con­ti­nuous­ly gai­ning in value. In recent years, pro­per­ty owners have been able to sell hou­ses, apart­ments and other real estate at a pro­fit. 
  • Favorable finan­cing opti­ons: The per­sis­t­ent­ly low level of inte­rest rates enables favorable finan­cing for home owner­ship. 

Find your second home and exclu­si­ve invest­ment pro­per­ties

If you want to invest your capi­tal in real estate that is not (per­ma­nent­ly) owner-occu­p­ied, you make your choice accor­ding to some­what dif­fe­rent cri­te­ria. Here it makes a dif­fe­rence whe­ther you are loo­king for a second home such as a vaca­ti­on home, an alpi­ne hut or a second home, a buil­ding plot for the next gene­ra­ti­on or a pro­fi­ta­ble invest­ment pro­per­ty. In the first case, your own pre­fe­ren­ces and the needs of your fami­ly play a major role in the choice. Buil­ding plots and invest­ment pro­per­ties are sel­ec­ted accor­ding to more ratio­nal cri­te­ria. 

As the real estate office of Alex­an­der Kurz, we have been ser­ving deman­ding cli­ents for over 40 years. We under­stand your wis­hes and needs and have an exclu­si­ve net­work throug­hout Aus­tria and bey­ond. Our spe­cia­lists will advi­se you per­so­nal­ly on the purcha­se of your dream pro­per­ty in Salz­burg, Kitz­bü­hel and Vien­na as well as in the Salz­bur­ger Land, Bava­ria and the Salz­kam­mer­gut. 

We will be hap­py to intro­du­ce you to exqui­si­te vaca­ti­on homes and high-qua­li­ty city apart­ments, vaca­ti­on homes, coun­try estates, alpi­ne huts, forest estates and hun­ting lodges as well as lake­si­de pro­per­ties in prime loca­ti­ons. If you are loo­king for invest­ment pro­per­ties with high returns, a buil­ding plot or a sui­ta­ble com­mer­cial pro­per­ty, we are also your relia­ble part­ner. Arran­ge your con­sul­ta­ti­on appoint­ment now!